


There are plenty online tools for this, a typical option roofers use is an Eagle view report, this blog post is if you preferer doing it yourself. Accurate measurements are crucial when it comes to installing roof shingles. Whether you’re a homeowner planning a DIY roofing project or a roofing contractor seeking precision, knowing how to measure a roof correctly is essential for estimating materials and costs. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of measuring a roof for shingles, ensuring a smooth and successful installation that enhances your home’s protection and appearance.

Step 1: Safety First

Before you begin, prioritize safety. Use proper safety gear, such as a stable ladder, non-slip shoes, and a harness if necessary. Make sure the weather conditions are favorable, avoiding measurement tasks during inclement weather or high winds.

Step 2: Determine Roof Slope

Identify the roof slope to select the appropriate shingle type and estimate material quantities accurately. Use a level and measuring tape to measure the vertical rise (height) and horizontal run (length) of the roof. Divide the rise by the run to calculate the roof slope as a ratio, e.g., 6:12.

Step 3: Measure Roof Length and Width

Start by measuring the length and width of the roof’s ground footprint. For simple gable roofs, measure the length and width at the base. For more complex roof designs, divide the roof into rectangles, triangles, or other shapes and measure each separately. Add all measurements to get the total square footage of the roof.

Step 4: Calculate Roof Area

To calculate the total roof area for shingles, multiply the length by the width. For example, if your roof measures 40 feet in length and 30 feet in width, the total area is 40 x 30 = 1200 square feet.

Step 5: Account for Roof Overhangs

If your roof has overhangs or eaves, measure their length and width separately. Subtract the area of the overhangs from the total roof area calculated in Step 4 to get the net area that needs to be covered with shingles.

Step 6: Determine Shingle Coverage

Next, determine the coverage area of the shingles you plan to use. Most shingles are sold in bundles, with each bundle covering a specific area. Divide the net roof area by the shingle coverage to determine the number of shingle bundles required.

Step 7: Consider Waste and Extras

To account for waste during installation and have extra shingles for repairs in the future, add a 10-15% buffer to the total number of shingle bundles calculated in Step 6.

Or: Seek professional assistance as an option to doing it yourself.

If measuring your roof seems challenging or if you have a complex roof design, consider seeking help from a professional roofing contractor. They have the expertise and tools to measure your roof accurately and provide you with precise estimates.


Knowing how to measure a roof for shingles is a fundamental skill for successful roofing projects. By following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently estimate materials, plan your budget, and ensure a smooth installation process. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or seeking professional assistance, accurate measurements will help you achieve a durable and visually appealing roof that protects your home for years to come.

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